In the Chronic Pelvic Pain Center we allocate the experience but also the special  technological equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction. The main systems of control of erectile dysfunction that we allocate in the Chronic Pelvic Pain Center are:  

A) Nocturnal Electrobioimpedance Volumetric Accessement-NEVA  

Each man during the night sleep has physiologically automatic erections with certain number, duration and quality, for witch is unaware. The measurement of number and quality of these night erections as an indicator of erectile dysfunction its an old and well tested knowledge.

From the first years of Andrology it was evident the lack of a suitable and reliable method to measure the characteristics of night erections.This problem is now has been solved with the portable NEVA System (Nocturnal Electrobioimpedance Volumetric Accessement) witch uses the principle of bioimpedance.

Analysing the number and quality of night erections with this equipment, the urologist can be certain whether there is erectile dysfunction problem, and to differentiate between organic or psychogenic impotence.

NEVA System is light (140 gr) and easy to carry appliance, that after the Urologist's instructions the patient takes with him for 2 days.

NEVA System  is applied as follows: The patient places the electrodes on his penis, and the cables of electrodes are connected with the NEVA system that is placed in special sheath in the leg . The recording is taking place while the patient sleeps. The patient uses the NEVA system for two nights, and afterwards returns the NEVA to the urologist for digital  processing. This is done connecting the NEVA system with the computer where with a special software we analyze the data.  An example of a trace from a man with normal night erections is depicted here .

B) Intracavernous injection pharmacotesting (ICI) and color duplex ultrasound

It is method is applied in cases that require more detailed investigation of erectile dysfunction. We initially inject in the penis -with painless technique-a vasoactive substance which causes automatic erection. After the first injection we measure with the method of Duplex-Triplex Ultrasonography the flow of blood in penile arteries and veins . The procedure is repeated with gradually increasing doses of medicine until a satisfactory erectile result is achieved. Because as we know penile erections is mainly a vasal phenomenon, with this technique we are able to make more precise diagnosis of the organic causes of erectile dysfunction.

C) Dorsal nerve conduction velocity
This method belongs in the examinations that are applied in the Laboratory of Neurophysiology of our Centre.  

D) Bulbocavernosus reflex latency
This method belongs in the examinations that are applied in the Laboratory of Neurophysiology of our Centre. 

E) Corpus cavernosum electromyography

This method belongs in the examinations that are applied in the Laboratory of Neurophysiology of our Centre.